When planning a fitout of any premises, it’s vital to consider storage. Clever storage solutions make a huge difference to the look and feel of a space and its functionality, and give tangible commercial benefits.

The choice of storage solutions for your fitout depends on the use of the premises. For example, a bar environment will require very different storage solutions to an office or retail space.

Storage solutions for the office

A tidy, clutter-free office boosts productivity and improves employee morale.

The paper-free office is still not quite reality! Having enough filing space and cupboards is essential.

Employees with their own workspaces need storage at their desks or nearby. The general office must accommodate plenty of accessible storage for equipment, paperwork and supplies, plus space for employee belongings, coats and so on.

Storage solutions can be modular, allowing more capacity to be added. Many storage systems include mobile units that can be easily moved around the office. This is a clever way of maximising floor space and ease of movement through the area.

Offices with a lot of IT equipment onsite will need specialist furniture to accommodate hardware, and many offices also need safes or other secure storage

Office storage furniture can be integrated with any design scheme, branding or theme. For example, statement shelving and furniture form interior design features in some offices. Other businesses might favour hidden cupboards to keep the space clean and streamlined.

Storage solutions for restaurants and bars

Restaurant and bar fitouts require clever use of storage for several important functions.

Space is at a premium in any hospitality environment, as every table and seat is a vital part of business operations, so guest accommodation must be maximised. Customer-facing storage can be either designed in line with the interior décor and branding or cleverly concealed.

However, the correct food and drink storage is non-negotiable, for food hygiene reasons and to help food and drink preparation flow smoothly and efficiently. Separate capacity for raw and cooked food, refrigerated units and freezers, wine racks, and space for bar and restaurant supplies – these are all essential and can be fitted into any space with careful planning and consideration for business operations. The right refrigerated units will be as energy efficient as possible, for both environmental and economic reasons, of course.

By prioritising storage at the planning and design stage, staff and clientele enjoy being in the bar or restaurant space. Contented staff are the best advertisement for any hospitality business, and happy relaxed customers will stay longer, spend more and tell their friends.

Storage solutions for shops and retail premises

Like bars and restaurants, shops need a variety of types of storage. High street stores will need shop-floor storage, which can be built into interiors, under counters and so on, and designed to reflect the branding and colour scheme of the shop whether it’s an independent retailer or a chain.

Most stores will also need storage for stock, whether that’s shelving, refrigerators or other specialised units. Supermarkets require extensive warehousing with stock control systems and employee areas, refrigerated rooms and so on. A good fitout specialist will be able to give you the maximum amount of flexible, efficient storage while not reducing the profitable shop floor area, no matter what the size or sector of your retail space.

Talk to us

TFOP are the fitout people. We have over 20 years of experience in delivering outstanding fitouts across multiple commercial sectors. Request a call-back today to discuss storage solutions or any other aspect of your next fitout project.

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